We are convinced that the only real solution to the poverty, hunger and health of countries is education.

By (re) building good school buildings, providing good teaching materials and good level control, we offer the children the opportunity to move on to higher education and good opportunities on the labor market, which in turn will positively influence the entire environment.

The reason for our projects is the dire situation in the poor rural villages that, despite the country’s riches, cannot receive proper education due to mismanagement and corruption due to the rich top layers of the population.
Only teaching children will be able to put an end to this injustice.

We raise money by setting up and participating in activities such as Christmas markets, Kings Day and other markets. In addition, we go to schools to organize activities that raise money in addition to information and cooperation. Last but not least, we raise funds and often seek sponsorship from companies and organizations.

Because we are regularly present in the Philippines and maintain very reliable family contacts here, we have strict supervision of the projects and the corresponding finances, which means that every euro is spent on the project and, as a result, the SKEF-F foundation also with the most efficient organizations in the Netherlands. belongs.

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